

The Annual General Meeting (the ’AGM’) of Incanthera plc will be held at the offices of Gateley Plc at 1 Paternoster Square, London EC4M 7DX, on 17 October 2024 at 11am. 

In order to ensure that shareholders are able to follow the proceedings of the AGM without attending in person, the Company will provide access online via the Investor Meet Company platform. However, please note that shareholders will not be able to vote online at the AGM via the platform and are therefore requested to submit their votes via proxy, as early as possible.

Shareholders are invited to submit any questions for the Board to consider. Questions can be pre submitted ahead of the AGM via the Investor Meet Company Platform up until 16 Oct 2024, 09:00 BST, or submitted at any time during the AGM itself.

Shareholders that wish to attend the AGM remotely should register for the event in advance by using the following link: